Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Book of Amos in the Bible

The Book of Amos in the Bible. The complete information about the book of Amos in the Bible. Commentary and all the rest about the book of Amos in the Bible.

The truth is, the minor prophets are not very known. It is the case with Amos. And it is the case with the book of Amos in the Bible.  It is sometimes studied, but most of the times ignored. I believe that is a great book and the book of Amos in the Bible should be studied and people should know it's message. Even if it has been written 2750 years ago, it has some principles that are still available today. Not only that are available, but the context from the book of Amos in the Bible resembles very much with the context from our society today. We are also very rich and we need to receive some warnings form God in order to repent and behave as we should.

The Book of Amos in the Bible

Even if it has been written by a Shepard, it has some beautiful speech figures and it is of the very utmost sensibility. I will try to post on this blog everything that I could find on the book of Amos in the Bible. It is nice to find and to have all the information in one place. If you are searching for one specific part or idea or verse from the book of Amos go on the right and scroll the archive and you will find there everything that you may be interested in. If not. Try every thing, and read everything in order to get the full meaning about the book of Amos in the Bible.

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